I got a lot of request from my friends who are so eager to learn how to tweak their android  imei number to anyone. I'll be teaching you how to do it yourself in a very simple method.

NOTE: Imei changing is illegal and it could brick your android device, you are doing this at
your own risk.
Now let's get to work....

Step 1: Download Mtk Engineering here

Step 2: After Installation, open the app, it will look just like the picture below

 Step 3: Click on MTK settings

Step 4: Select CDS Information
 Step 5: Proceed to Radio Information
 Step 6: Select the sim port you wish to tweak, sim 1 or sim 2.

Step 7: You will see a text box at the top of this window, click the box and type "E" without quotes as seen in the above picture, when you type the E, few options will be suggested, select the first option which is AT+EGMR=1,7,"".
Step 7:  When you select the AT+EGMR=1,7,"", at the end of this code you can see the double quotes (""), in-between this quotes is where you will input the new imei number you want to use.

For instance...
If you have an imei number which is 358970945784532, you will input this imei number in-between the last quotes like this >> AT+EGMR=1,7,"358970945784532".

After doing this, press send and reboot your device, after reboot, dial *#06# on your dialer and you will see your new imei number there.

For any issues, use the comment box below.

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